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Water & Foam Fire Extinguisher Install- Refill -Inspection Service in Houston, TX

Water & Foam Fire Extinguisher Install- Refill -Inspection Service in Houston, TX

Get yourself covered no matter what you require, inspection, installation, refill, or replacement, Fire Extinguisher Houston has got your back.

We have special services just to keep you well covered with water and foam fire extinguisher needs.

If you reside in Huston, TX, and are in need of water and foam fire extinguisher service, just give us a call.

Water Fire Extinguisher

Water Fire Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is suitable for Class A fires. Class A fire refers to fire caused by solid combustibles like fabric, wool, paper, wood, etc.

If the main ingredients of the fire consist of any of these materials, to quench this fire you need a water fire extinguisher.

Looking at these materials you can understand this class A fire could cause anytime at residence, office, or industrial space.

So, it’s high time to get yourself covered with water fire extinguishers if you haven’t already.

Foam Fire Extinguisher

Foam Fire Extinguisher

It’s a fire extinguisher that is great for versatile use. A foam fire extinguisher is suitable for both Class A and B fires.

Class A fire ignites from materials like wool, fabric, paper, wood, etc. And Class B fire is ignited from octane, diesel, petrol, and other oil-type flammable liquids.

The foam fire extinguisher works great on both types of fire. As industries are more susceptible to the class B fire, people tend to use foam fire extinguishers over there. But you can keep it at your residence for well covering the solid combustible fires as well.

Get an assessment of what kind of fire your place or space is prone to by simply giving up a heads up.Try it out.

Class A and B Fire Extinguisher, Fire Types and What’s Suitable for You

Fire Material Suitable Extinguisher
Class A Fire Extinguisher Class A Fire: Solid items like wool, fabric, paper, wood, etc. Water Fire Extinguisher + Foam Fire Extinguisher
Class B Fire Extinguisher Class B Fire: Octane, diesel, petrol, and other oil-type flammable liquids Foam Fire Extinguisher

Our Class A and Class B Fire Extinguisher Services in Huston, Tx

For any kind of regular and emergency fire extinguisher services rely on us with complete trust. We are readily available at your service. You just need to mention the time.

Reach out to our team for any query, support, service, and advice.

Reviews From Our Customers

My security system was installed within a few hours. It was a fast installation. The installer showed how to use the system thoroughly and I am very happy with the system.

Routine inspection and maintenance services free you from the extra hassle of doing it yourself.

A whole bunch of packages to clear off any fire and safety-related issues.

Call Us For Your Fire Extinguisher Service
Contact Us 832-626-7837
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